Electric Guardians
What do Power Savers do?
Power Saver Home Units are designed to save you money, extend the life of any piece of equipment in your home that is powered by electricity, and, extraordinarily enough, to do this year after year.
How does the Power Saver work?
This device operates by adjusting the power factor of the incoming supply into your house. For it to work optimally, it should be installed as close as possible to the point of entry of your electricity supply. This allows it to detect all loads after the meter and adjust the power factor accordingly. If it is installed too far down the circuit, it will not be able to affect the electricity supply to other appliances ahead of it.
The intelligent technology optimizes the voltage and current demands thus reducing the active power/KwH demands and achieves up to 40% savings on your electric bill.
Use one power saver for every 18,000 watts on each side of your circuit breaker box.
How will the Power Saver protect my electrical equipment?
The capacitors and intelligent digital technology inside each unit will smooth out the electricity that comes into your house and reduce surges and spikes. Your equipment will last longer and work more efficiently.
What happens if my green light goes out?
Each power saver is tested at the factory and tested by us before it leaves for its new home. Occasionally, the green light or lights are not working, but the unit is working well. These LEDS are there for appearance, but do not have any effect on the performance of the unit.
What kind of Savings can I expect?
East Coast Power Savers guarantees 15% to 40% on your electric bill. Other companies offer only an 6% savings guarantee. Customers all over the United States are experiencing savings as high as 60%.
Are there other benefits?
Power Savers also act as electromagnetic filters, protecting you and your family from harmful invisible effects of electromagnetic waves.
The unit occupies both receptacles in an outlet. Is there a solution?
Plug it into the top receptacle and upside down.
Use a tap cube (purchased at home improvement stores in the electrical section) and insert power saver into end of it and plug tap and power saver into the bottom receptacle.
Convert the existing receptacle into six outlets with a multi-tap that plugs into the existing receptacle (not a surge protector strip).
How do I install my new power saver?
Power Saver units are simply installed by plugging them into an outlet, unlike some other devices that must be hardwired into your electrical box. Do not plug them into an extension cord or multiple socket. Moving? Just unplug and take it with you!
You must do the same procedure for each electric panel box and subpanel box located in your house. Your house could be less than 2500 sq. ft. and have two electric panel boxes, then you need a pair of power savers for each box.
If your house is greater than 2500 sq. ft. and less than 5000 sq.ft and has one electric panel box, you need two pairs of power savers. Place the first in an outlet closest to the panel box, serviced by the right side. The second is placed midway up the box in an outlet again serviced by the right side. Do the same for the left side service.
Find 2 vertically adjacent (not horizontal) full-sized circuit breakers in your electric panel which control outlets. Do this by turning off breakers and finding which ones control outlets. Plug one unit into an outlet served by each circuit breaker.
If you need 4 units (2 pairs), plug 2 units (1 pair) into outlets on each circuit. If there are 2 main panels in your home, plug 2 units (1 pair) into outlets for each panel.
Place the first 2 units (1 pair) on the highest circuit in the box as possible. In the example diagram, breakers 1 and 3 or 2 and 4 would be best. If you need 4 units (2 pairs), place the first pair at 1 and 3 or 2 and 4, and the next pair on the same circuit.