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Power Saver Commercial/Industrial Unit

​The non-productive and wasted electricity is converted by the Commercial Power Saver into a useable, purer form, of energy.

25%-40% of your energy is waste! You pay for 100% and use only 60%-75%. The Commercial Power Saver smoothes out surges and spikes in your electric current, which enables you to use the complete 100% that you are paying for. The waste is not returned to the grid, which cleans up the lines and provides a cleaner environment while saving you money each month.

Installation is easy and can be applied to any three phase service panel. The unit is attached to the top breaker on a 100, 200, or 400 amp three-phase service panel. This installation optimizes both sides of the bus bar in your panel and insures whole facility energy savings and protection. The commercial units can be installed at the main breaker panel or a subpanel. For larger three-phase motors, the preferred location of installation is at the motors' disconnect.

This technology is precise and returns your investment quickly. The installation is quick and performed by a qualified electrician


Commercial Power Saver Package Price- Call for onsite evaluation and pricing.


*Commercial Power Saver Unit installed

*10 Year Warranty

*Up to 15%-40% Per Month Savings on Electric Bill

*20 Year life expectancy
Benefits to Businesses:

Energy Savings of thousands/tens of thousands of dollars in electric bills.

Protection of sensitive office equipment (such as computers, printers, copiers and fax machines)

Power Factor Correction

Lower operating temperatures for motors

Lower maintenance costs of electrical equipment

Prolonged life of electrical equipment

Surge suppression

Reduced electricity (kilowatt) demand​

To learn more or to order please contact us, and we will be more than happy to help.

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